Determination of body fluid compartments by electrical impedance measurements.

  • 1 February 1975
    • journal article
    • Vol. 46 (2), 152-5
?The ratio of the LF and HF impedances appears to be an excellent and simple tool for investigation of liquid specimens, either of the total human body, taking into consideration global impedances, or of a particular organ, taking into consideration local impedances. We have sketched out in this communication a study of the global impedance ratio variations with age, but a large number of studies still remain to be undertaken in those cases of severe denutrition, as in all cases of metabolic illnesses. We can state that, in most cases, not only does the ratio decrease but that there is extreme difficulty in reestablishing normal values. Whatever action is undertaken, it seems that the intracellular liquid compartment remains insufficient with respect to that of the extracellular liquid compartment. It is as if the water will not enter in the cells or as if it were no longer retained within the cells. Finally, with this concept of impedance ratios of Zlf/Zhf a promising experimental method has been found which will, perhaps, enable better infestigations in a field which has often been left to one side.