The routing infrastructure of the Internet has be- come resistant to fundamental changes and the use of overlay networks has been proposed to provide additional flexibility and control. One of the most prominent configurable components of an overlay network is its topology, which can be dynami- cally reconfigured to accommodate communication requirements that vary over time. In this paper, we study the problem of determining dynamic topology reconfiguration for service overlay networks with dynamic communication requirement, and the ideal goal is to find the optimal reconfiguration policies that can minimize the potential overall cost of using an overlay. We start by observing the properties of the optimal reconfiguration policies through studies on small systems and find structures in the optimal reconfiguration policies. Based on these observations, we propose heuristic methods for constructing different flavors of reconfiguration policies, i.e., never-change policy, always-change policy and cluster-based policies, to mimic and approximate the optimal ones. Our experiments show that our policy construction methods are applicable to large systems and generate policies with good performance. Our work does not only provide solutions to practical overlay topology design problems, but also provides theoretical evidence for the advantage of overlay network due to its configurability.

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