Level Structure ofHf178

The level structure of Hf178 has been studied via γ singles, γγ coincidences in the 2048 × 4096 channel mode, and γγ directional-correlation measurements with Ge(Li) detectors from the decay of Ta178. These data yielded 7 new transitions and the addition of 13 transitions to the decay scheme, which includes 5 new levels. The following levels were observed (energies in keV followed by the spin and parity): 93.13, 2+; 306.52, 4+; 1174.64, 2+; 1199.24, 0+; 1276.54, 2+; 1309.91, 1±, 2+; 1362.36, 2(); 1433.97, 0+; 1443.86, 0+; 1496.02, 2+; 1513.64, 1±, 2+; 1561.27, 2+; 1566.45, 1±, 2±; and 1771.95, 0+. γγ directional correlations were measured with the 2+0+, 93.13-keV transition and eight transitions that feed the first excited state. From the γγ(θ) data, spins of 2 and 0 are established for the 1362.36-and 1771.95-keV levels and M1 admixtures of 85.61.7+1.2 and 65.2 ± 3.2% for the 1183.40- and 1402.87-keV transitions. With these multipole admixtures, the branching ratios for the KπI=0+2, 1276.54-keV level cannot be brought into agreement with theory for a single Zβ band-mixing parameter; while for the KπI=0+2, 1496.02-keV level they can be.