Effectiveness of Deposits of Sevin, DDT, Bayer 39007, and Bayer 37344 against Anopheles Albimanus in Haiti

Summary Residual applications of suspensions of Sevin, Bayer Compound 39007, DDT, and Bayer Compound 37344 were evaluated at Source Matelas, Haiti, in occupied houses by exposing female Anopheles albimanus for 1 hour to the deposits. Based on average female mortality from exposure on three surfaces (whitewashed mud, thatch, wood), Sevin and DDT at 2 g/m2 were effective for a greater period of time than were Bayer 39007 and Bayer 37344. At 1 g/m2 DDT was effective for longer periods than either of the experimental compounds. In general the deposits on wood and thatch gave higher kills over longer periods than did those on whitewashed mud. However, Sevin and DDT at 2 g/m2 were highly effective on mud for 21 weeks. Sevin and DDT at 2 g/m2 gave similar results and satisfactory kills (70 percent or greater), for 23 to 25 weeks after application. Deposits of Sevin from water-wettable powders containing 50, 80, and 85 percent toxicant gave similar results.