Properties of Nuclear Levels in a Number of Odd-ANuclei (151A191)

In order to obtain more evidence on the systematic behavior of nuclear energy levels in the deformed region, a number of neutron-deficient odd-mass activities were studied with internal conversion electron spectrographs. Some scintillation counter measurements were made. Level schemes are postulated for decays leading to the following odd-neutron nuclei: Pm151Sm151, Tb151Gd151, Tb153Gd153, Tb155Gd155, Eu157Gd157, Tm163Er163, Tm165Er165, Ho167Er167, Re183W183, Ir185Os185, Ir187Os187, and Ir189Os189. As a corollary, data are presented for the odd-proton nuclei populated in the decays of Pt189Ir189 and Pt191Ir191. The proposed states are described using the Mottelson and Nilsson predictions. Some conclusions may be drawn concerning such properties of these orbitals as moments of inertia, M1E2 mixing ratios, and positions of the intrinsic excitations. Ratios of gamma-ray transition probabilities from the various states are given. Previously published studies of odd-A nuclei in the region of odd-N numbers 99-107 are incorporated in the energy-level systematics.