Specific propagation of radiowaves from the Intercosmos-19 satellite in the region of the nighttime equatorial anomaly crest

It has been indicated how a complex ionogram of topside sounding near the outer slope of the winter southern crest of the equatorial anomaly, where a large NmF2, gradient and a deep hmF2, minimum are observed, is formed. The model latitudinal cross-sectio n of the ionosphere, used to perform trajectory calculations, has been constructed based on the corrected Intercosmos-19 data. The ray trajectories have been modeled using the method of characteristics. It has been indicated that a complex Intercosmos-19 ionogram is formed by an oblique reflection from the equatorial anomaly crest slope (the main trace) and by a strongly oblique reflection from the crest bottom as a result of the wave capture by a large-scale inhomogeneity (the additional trace).