From spectral line-intensity measurements cross sections are determined as a function of electron-impact energy Eel (100-1000 eV) in the helium pressure region from 3*10-5 to 3*10-3 Torr. In the evaluation of the excitation cross sections polarization of the emitted radiation and cascade is taken into account. Special attention is paid to cascade from directly excited nF-levels which do not have well defined multiplicities. Pulse-counting techniques and automatic data-handling were necessary in order to measure the very low light-intensities with reasonable statistics. Only cross sections measured at the lowest target-gas pressures were used to evaluate excitation cross sections. The resulting excitation functions which may be attributed to exchange excitation show the following energy dependences for Eel>100 eV without cascade corrections: 43S, Eel-.250; 33P, Eel-2.85; 43D, Eel-2.80.