X-Ray Analysis of Ferredoxin from Spirulina platensis

A chloroplast-type ferredoxin from Spirulina platensis crystallized in an orthorhombic system, space group C2221, with cell dimensions a=62.32, b=28.51, and c=108.08 Å. The electron density map at 2.8 Å resolution was prepared by using the best phase angles determined by the single isomorphous replacement method coupled with the anomalous dispersion method. The chelating structure of the active center was revealed as follows. Of the six cysteinyl residues in the molecule, Cys 41, Cys 46, Cys 49, and Cys 79 are involved in the active center. Cys 41 and Cys 46 are coordinated to one iron atom, and Cys 49 and Cys 79 to the other iron atom. Only one of these cysteinyl residues, Cys 79, is comparatively apart from the other three in the amino acids sequence of the molecule, as found in the case of bacterial ferredoxin. It appears that the NH….S hydrogen bonds are around the active center, as in other non-heme iron sulfur proteins.