Evaluation of 60 chemicals in a preliminary developmental toxicity test

The number of chemicals in commerce which have not been evaluated for potential developmental toxicity is large. Because of the time and expense required by conventional developmental toxicity tests, an abbreviated assay is needed that will preliminarily evaluate otherwise untested chemicals to help prioritize them for conventional testing. A proposed short-term in vivo assay has been used in a series of studies in which a total of 60 chemicals were tested. Some were independently tested two or four times each. In this preliminaly test, pregnant mice were dosed during mid-pregnancy and were then allowed to deliver litters. Litter size, birth weight, and neonatal growth and survival to postnatal day 3 were recorded as indices of potential developmental toxicity. Results in this assay and conventional mouse teratology tests were generally concordant. Conventional data were available for 14 chemicals (ten teratogens, one fetotoxin, three nonteratogens), of which 11 (nine teratogens, one fetotoxin, one nonteratogen) produced evidence of developmental toxicity. This included conventional data for three chemicals (ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol dimethyl ether, and triethylene glycol dimethyl ether) that were untested before the present study. As high priority candidates for conventional testing on the basis of results here, all were subsequently studied in a standard teratology assay and were confirmed to be teratogenic in mice. Additionally, one of them (ethylene glycol) plus a fourth high priority candidate for conventional study (diethylene glycol monomethyl ether) were subsequently tested in rats and were found to be teratogenic in that species.