One-Pion-Exchange-Current Contribution to Neutron-ProtonBremsstrahlung

The electromagnetic current j2OPE due to the exchange of a charged pion between a neutron and a proton is rederived by comparing the bremsstrahlung matrix element computed from the Schrödinger equation with that obtained from the lowest-order Feynman diagrams. No account is taken of renormalization effects or nucleon resonances. The operator d3xj2OPE(x)eik·x which is needed for neutron-proton bremsstrahlung calculations is evaluated, and an approximation to it obtained as an expansion in powers of (photon energy)/(pion mass), keeping the first two terms. This is expected to be considerably more accurate than expanding the bremsstrahlung matrix element itself in powers of k. The second term in the expansion contributes to S01S13 transitions and may become significant even for small values of kμ. As a preparation for actual calculations the operator is rewritten in terms of irreducible tensors. The treatment of nonlocalities other than charged-pion exchange is discussed briefly.