Anthocyanins Isolated from Petals of Various Genotypes of the Red Campion (Silene dioica (L.) Clairv.)

Anthocyanin pigments present in petals of various genotypes of Silene dioica were identified by RF-values, UV-spectra, partial and total hydrolysis, alkalysis, NMR-and IR-spectra. Both the 3-glucosides, 3,5-diglucosides, 3-rutinosides and 3-rutinosides-5-glucosides of cyanidin and pelargonidin were found. The location of the acyl group at the 3-O-bound sugar in acylated anthocyanins - p-coumaric acid in pelargonidin-glycosides and caffeic acid in cyanidin-glycosides - has been determined by partial hydrolysis, peroxide oxidation, and oxidative cleavage with sodium periodate followed by reduction with sodium borohydride and identification of the polyalcohols formed after hydrolysis. The phenolic acids have been shown to be attached to the 4-hydroxyl group of rhamnose in anthocyanidin 3-rhamnosylglucosides and to the 6-hydroxyl group of the 3-O -bound glucose in anthocyanidin 3-O-glucosides.