Rubeomycin, a new anthracycline antibiotic complex. I. Taxonomy of producing organism, isolation, characteriation and biological activities of rubeomycin A, A1, B and B1.

A new antibiotic complex was obtained from the cultures of an actinomycete, strain FA-1180, isolated from a soil sample collected at lake side of Biwa in Japan. On the basis of taxonomic studies the producing microorganism is designated as Actinomadura roseoviolacea var. biwakoensis var nov. The antibiotic complex belongs to the class of anthracycline glycoside antibiotics. All components form deep red fine needles on crystalization; components are named rubeomycin A, A1, B and B1. These components exhibit activity against gram-positive bacteria and Yoshida sarcoma cell in vitro. These components are also effective on P388 leukemia.