248 young northern smallmouth bass, Micropterus d. dolomieu, were taken from two 100-yard stream sections by electric shocker from the East Koy Creek, a tributary of the Genesee R., Wyoming Co., New York on Aug. 11 and 12, 1941. Their standard length, ranging from 32 to 78 mm., averaged 52 mm. with a standard deviation of 12.12. Of 248 stomachs examined 222 contained food. Aquatic insects, crayfishes and fishes formed the bulk of food eaten. The type of food taken was associated with size of the bass and benthotic feeding habits. The percid fish Poecilichthys f. flabellaris, representing a small percentage of the creek population compared with 4 spp. of Cyprinidae, totaled about 50% of all fishes eaten.