The Activity of Lateral-Line Efferent Neurones in Stationary and Swimming Dogfish

The activity of efferent neurones innervating lateral-line organs on the body of dogfish was followed by recording from filaments of cranial nerve X in 41 decerebrate preparations. The efferent nerves were not spontaneously active. Tactile stimulation to the head and body, vestibular stimulation and noxious chemical stimulation were followed by activity of the efferent nerves. In contrast, natural stimulation of lateral-line organs (water jets) did not reflexly evoke discharges from the efferent fibres. Reflex efferent responses were still obtained to mechanical stimulation even after the lateral-line organs had been denervated. Electrical stimulation of cranial nerves innervating lateral-lines organs was followed by reflex activity of the efferent fibres. But similar stimuli applied to other cranial nerves were equally effective in exciting the efferent system. Vigorous movements of the fish, involving the white musculature, were preceded and accompanied by activity of the efferent fibres which persisted as long as the white muscle fibres were contracting. Rhythmical swimming movements were accompanied by a few impulses in the efferent fibres grouped in bursts at the same frequency as the swimming movements. It is concluded that the efferent neurones cannot contribute to a feedback regulatory system because they are not excited by natural stimulation of the lateral-line sense organs. The close correlation found between efferent activity and body movement suggests that the efferent system might operate in a protective manner to prevent the sense organs from being over-stimulated when the fish makes vigorous movements.