Suicide and attempted suicide reported by general practitioners in Belgium, 1990–1991

In 1990-1991 the Belgian sentinel network of general practitioners recorded suicide and suicide attempts within their practices. The annual attempted suicide rate is estimated at 13.0 cases per 10,000 inhabitants. The highest incidence rates are found among women and young people. The annual suicide rate is estimated at 2.3 cases per 10,000 inhabitants, with the highest rates in men and in elderly people. The highest incidence rates of suicide attempts as well as of suicide are found among divorced people. About 30% of the attempters and committers made at least one earlier attempt. Drug overdose and hanging are the most frequently used methods, respectively when attempting and committing suicide. About 60% of both committers and attempters contacted their general practitioner within a period of 1 month preceding the attempt. Nearly half of the attempters and of the committers were treated for a mental disorder in the year preceding the attempt.