The spin‐orbit‐induced spin‐flip cross section presented to a conduction electron by a 3d impurity having a local moment is calculated. The Anderson model is treated in Hartree‐Fock (HF) approximation. The difference from the nonmagnetic case is that the total angular momentum j is not a good quantum number so that one cannot use its eigenstates to calculate the scattering phase shifts. Instead, the HF Hamiltonian has been diagonalized to first order in the spin‐orbit coupling Hso and the resulting eigenfunctions have been used to find the phase shifts. To maintain the spherical symmetry of the Hamiltonian when Hso is present it is found necessary to retain the matrix elements of the Coulomb interaction that connect four different orbitals m, m′ to m∓1, m′±1 . It is also necessary to abandon the simplification of assuming a single value for the exchange integral and to keep the actual dependence of the matrix elements on m and m′. The calculated cross section depends on an enhanced spin‐orbit coupling and on the local moment parameters.