Allergen Extract of Horse Hair and Dandruff. Quantitative Immunoelectrophoretic Characterization of the Antigens

Freeze-dried extract of horse hair and dandruff was obtained by extraction, centrifugation, dialysis and freeze-drying. Quantitative immunoelectrophoresis using rabbit antibodies revealed the extract to be composed of 25 antigens of which some were mutually partial identical; 4 were serum-specific and none showed partial identity to solubilized hair proteins. Partial identity to antigens of serum and extract from hair and dandruff of cow, dog, cat, guinea pig, and of extract from house dust was demonstrated. After subjecting the extract to dialysis, ultrafiltration, freeze-drying and storage below 37 °C for not more than 24 h the antigenic stability and the allergenic activity were unaffected. The effect of enzymatic degradation of the individual proteins with regard to antigenic stability and allergenic activity was also examined.