The Digestibility of Six Tropical Fats as Determined on Rats

For 6 partially refined fats of tropical origin, some chemical data were obtained and digestion coefficients determined with rats. The coefficients of digestibility for the 6 were as follows: Corozo (Orbignya cohune, and species of the genus Scheelea), 97.0; morro (Crescentia alata), 96.4; tambor (Omphalea oleifera), 94.5; sapayulo (Calocarpum mammosum), 92.2; cacao volador (Virola guatemalensis), 96.9; and unrefined aceituno fat (Simarouba glauca), 93.5. The data indicate that there are many valuable fats in tropical America which are of strategic importance. These essential vegetable oil resources should be developed through the cultivation of indigenous or introduced oil plants.