Partial-Wave Analysis of KpΞK+ at 2 GeVc

We have performed a partial-wave analysis on KpΞK+ at 2 GeVc. The Legendre-polynomial expansions of dσdΩ (coefficients Al) and of PdσdΩ (coefficients Bl) have significant contributions for A1, A2, A3, B1, B3, and one isolated higher-order moment, A6 (a 3.5σ effect). Using the measured values of Al and Bl (l=1,2,3), the partial-wave equations have been solved (using a search technique) for the amplitudes S12(=P12*), P12(=S12*), P32(=D32)*, and D32(=P32*), where the bracketed partial waves indicate the Minami-transform-complex-conjugation ambiguity, unavoidable in an analysis at a single energy. The isolated A6 term may be understood as due to a small J92 amplitude interfering with one of the J=32 amplitudes. The measured cross sections for ΞK+, Ξ0K0, and ΞK0 production are consistent with baryon-exchange dominance with a (