Retinal angiomatous masses were observed as a very late complication in four patients following scleral buckling procedures with drainage of subretinal fluid. The lesions manifested 5-19 years after the original surgical procedure, and the presenting complaint was decreased vision secondary to vitreous clouding. In three patients a vascularized retinal mass greater than 3 disc diameters in size was observed at the site of choroidal perforation for drainage of subretinal fluid. A fourth patient demonstrated a similar lesion in the location of a suture used to anchor the encircling element, possibly the point of accidental choroidal perforation. Three of the four patients were treated by photocoagulation or cryocoagulation with cicatrization of the angiomatous mass and obliteration of the vascular net. This resulted in clearing of vitreous opacities and subretinal exudates, with restoration of vision to a level prior to the onset of symptoms.