Pressure drag measurements for turbulent air flow through a packed bed

Pressure drag coefficients of spheres in a cubic packing of equal spheres have been determined at Reynolds numbers of 27,000, 10,000, 5,000 and 2,500, where NRe is based on superficial air velocity and a sphere diameter of 7 cm. Two cubic arrangements were used: in the regular arrangement, the mean flow was parallel to one of the principal axes, while in the skewed arrangement, the mean flow made equal angles with the three principal axes of the packing.The pressure drag coefficient of the central sphere has been measured for each of the 12 banks in the regular arrangement, and the effect of bed length has been determined for lengths varying between 1 and 12 banks. The pressure drag coefficient for the central sphere and the overall pressure drop in the skewed arrangement were found to be lower than for the regular arrangement at the same Reynolds number. From the distribution of local pressure measurements, the separation and reattachment points on the central sphere in each bank were determined, indicating that the boundary‐layer behavior on a sphere in a packing is similar to that over a single sphere, when allowing for the effects of turbulence and of pressure gradient.