Malignant Mixed Tumor of the Vocal Cord: Report of a Case

MALIGNANT tumors of the larynx are almost always squamous carcinomas, but since mucous glands are present in the lamina propria of the laryngeal surfaces, except for the true cords, they may give rise to benign or malignant tumors. A number of mixed tumors of the larynx have been reported, but most of them have arisen in the subglottic area, and as well as can be determined no cases of malignant mixed tumor of the vocal cords have been published. The occurrence of such a tumor prompts the presentation of this case report. Report of a Case A 63-year-old white man was first seen at the Yater Clinic on May 15, 1958, complaining of hoarseness of one year's duration. He had smoked a pack of cigarettes daily for many years. On laryngoscopic examination the right cord was found to be red and granular. The left cord appeared normal with the usual