Attractants for Synanthropic Flies: Chemical Attractants for Domestic Flies1

Slow-release solid synthetic fly attractant formulations (SFA) were evaluated against Musca domestica L. on poultry ranches. SFA formulations were prepared by combining chemical attractants and a diluent, tuna fishmeal. The chemical constituents showing maximum attractancy were: trimethylamine hydrochloride (source of trimethylamine attractant), ammonium salt (source of ammonia attractant), linoleic acid, and indole. The 1st and the last compounds were the main attractants; addition of the other 2 increased attractancy but not significantly. Addition of n -butyric acid improved attractancy somewhat, but not significantly, and its use is contraindicated due to its bad odor. Other carboxylic acids did not enhance attractancy. Indole was superior to skatole in these formulations. Compositions that contained these 4 or 5 chemicals were superior to commercial sugar bait toxicant formulations, including those containing (Z)-9-tricosene. The diluent alone also showed little or no attractancy; it caught flies at the same level as empty traps.

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