Magnetic Structure of the Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnet BaCoF4

The results of magnetic-susceptibility and neutron-diffraction measurements on BaCoF4 show behavior characteristic of a two-dimensional antiferromagnet. The material is highly anisotropic and exhibits two magnetic phases, A and B, both of which order in three dimensions at the same temperature, TN=(69.6±0.1)°K. The magnetic structure consists of puckered (010) layers of moments within which nearest neighbors are coupled antiparallel. The ordering of the moments 14 Å apart in the b direction is antiparallel in phase A and parallel in phase B. The moments are directed along [100]. If the Co2+ moment is assumed to be the same for both phases, then the ordered moments have a magnitude of (3.4±0.2)μB at 4.7 °K.