Properties of the strain-confined electron-hole liquid in Ge

A large volume of electron-hole liquid is formed by optically exciting a suitably stressed crystal of Ge. A contact stress produces a maximum shear region inside the crystal which acts as an attractive potential well for photoexcited carriers. Properties of the electron-hole liquid confined to this strain well are determined from spectral and spatial measurements of the recombination luminescence under wide variations in stress, temperature, and excitation level. Both electron-hole liquid and free-exciton phases are observed near 4 K, confirming the interpreta ion of a first-order liquid-gas phase transition and giving the exciton condensation energy φ1 meV. The liquid pair density at intermediate 111 stress is determined to be (0.50±0.05) × 1017 cm3 from a luminescence line-shape analysis which takes into account the reduced electron band degeneracy and the strain-dependent hole mass. Magneto-oscillations in the luminesence intensity are observed which yield a similar density. A tenfold enhancement of the liquid lifetime is observed for stresses above 5 kgf/mm2 and 1.8T4.2 K, consistent with the reduced pair density and inhibited liquid evaporation in the strain well. Compression of the liquid at high excitation level is reflected in the line-shape, lifetime, and spatial imaging measurements. Time-resolved imaging of the liquid luminescence provides a striking contrast between the strain-confined liquid and the usual cloud of droplets in unstressed Ge.