Comparative Analysis of Karyotypes of 18 Species Family Turdidae (Aves)

18 species of Turdidae family have been studied. The problems of karyotype evolution and specificity of microchromosomes are discussed. A conclusion has been made about great constancy of microchromosomes number on genus level. In karyotype evolution pericentric inversions seem to be of great importance. High similarity in karyotypes of genera Oenanthe, Saxicola, Monticola and the propinquity to them of Bluethroat Cyanosylvia svecica have been established. It is held unrational to combine in a single genus of Bluethroat and Ruby- throats (genus Calliope). The karyotypes within genus Turdus are rather diversified. Among thrushes a comparatively homogeneous group of pilaris—merula—sibiricus—migratorius is distinguished.