A Modified Herd Reproductive Status Program for South Carolina Dairy Herds

A computer records system for cooperating commercial dairy herds is described.Reproductive events are recorded on a basic record form which also serves as a computer input sheet. Events are recorded in chronological order. At periodic intervals (usually monthly), pregnancy is checked for cows sufficiently advanced in gestation. Results of the pregnancy check, along with accumulated record forms on which reproductive events are recorded, are mailed to Clemson University where they are examined for accuracy, coded, punched on cards, and computer processed. A printout is returned to the owner for use in herd management.For the breeding herd printouts summarize number and percentage of cows pregnant, calved < 60 days, calved 60 to 99 days, calved 100 or more days, and culled or designated for culling. In addition, average days open for cows open 100 or more days and the Herd Reproductive Status index are given.A frequency distribution with number and percentage of cows currently pregnant is given for cows open 85 days or less, 86 to 100, 101 to 115, 116 to 145, 146 to 175, 176 to 205, and 206 or more days. Lists are provided for cows in the separate classifications, and a special list is provided for cows open for 100 or more days. Individual cow reproduction records are shown for the current service period.Types of information obtainable from the records system are described, and values calculated from data input to March 31, 1974, are given as a progress report.