Microwave Drying of Resin Impregnated Paper*

A pilot scale apparatus was constructed for impregnating paper with water soluble phenol formaldehyde resin and subsequently microwave drying it. Comparison of the properties of the papers dried at various microwave power application levels with the properties of similar papers dried in a hot air, natural convection oven showed that the microwave dried papers had a more uniform resin concentration distribution across the sheet thickness, were superior in internal bond strength and in surface abrasion resistance. The surface abrasion resistance and internal bond results support the contention that the resin distribution is more uniform in the microwave dried papers. No signficant differences were observed in the tensile breaking strength, stretch, or Young’s modulus between papers which were microwave dried or oven dried. Results obtained in a bending test suggest, but do not unequivocally prove, the microwave dried papers are more flexible.