Brain stem afferents to the festigial nucleus in the cat demonstrated by transport of horseradish peroxidase

Although retrograde and anterograde degeneration studies have provided important information concerning brain stem afferents to the fastigial nuclues (FN), these data may be incomplete and should be confirmed by axonal transport methods. Attempts were made to inject horseradish peroxidase (HRP) unilaterally into the FN in a series of adult cats. Animals were perfused with dextran and a fixative solution of paraformaldehyde and glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phospate buffer. Representataive sections were treated by the Graham and Karnovsky (1966) method. Selective HRp injections in one FN resulted in retrograde transport of the marker of Purkinje cells of the ipsilateral vermis and distinctive appendages of the contralateral medial accessory olivary (MAO) nucleus (nucleus β and the dorso-medial cell column). Retrograde transport of the label was found bilaterally in cells of the medial (MVN) and inferior (IVN) vestibular nuclei, in cell group x and in the nucleus prepositus (PP). Labeled vestibular neurons, most numerous in MVN, were identified in dorsal, caudal and lateral regions, with a slight ipsilateral preponderance. Only a few neurons in caudal, dorsal and lateral regions of th IVN were labeled and none of these included cells of group f. Labeled cells in the caudal third of PP were greatest ipsilaterally. Rostral and caudal injections of FN labeled smaller numbers of cells in MVN, IVN, cell group x and PP. HRP injections of FN and portions of lobules VIII and IX resulted in bilateral retrograde lableing of larger numbers of cells in MVN, IVN and cell group x, and ipsilateral labeling of cells in group y and the interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve. Injections of HRP into basal folia of lobules V and VI resulted in retrograde transport of the marker to cells of the medial and dorsal accessory olivary nuclei contralaterally, and to cells of the ipsilateral accessory cuneate nucleus. Transport of label injected into portions of the pyramis was detected in parts of the contralateral MAO and bilaterally in parts of the pontine and reticulotegmental nuclei This study suggests that the principal afferents of the fastigial nucleus arise from: (1) Purkinje cells of the ipsilateral vermis, (2) restricted portions of the contralateral MAO (nucleus ß and dorsomedial cell column), (3) portions of the MVN and IVN (bilaterally) and (4) caudala parts of the PP. Secondary vestibular inputs to the fastigial nucleus probably are relayed mainly by cells in the cerebellar cortex.