Physicochemical properties of phospborothioate oligodeoxynucleotides

We have recently shown that phosphorothioate (PS) oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) analogs, unlike their normal congeners, exhibit significant anti-HIV activity (Maksukura et al., (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84, 7706-7710). We now report the syntheses, melting temperatures (Tm), and nuclease susceptibilities of a series of phosphorothioate ODN analogs. These include all-PS duplexes, duplexes with one normal chain and the other chain either all-PS, or end-capped with several PS groups at both 3'' and 5'' ends. The DNase susceptibilities of the S-ODNs are much less than the normal phosphodiesters, but by contrast duplexes of poly-rA with S-dT40 are much more susceptible to RNase H digestion. The Tm''s for AT base pairs of S-ODNs are significantly depressed relative to normals, while GC base pairs show much less Tm depression. The Tm''s of S-dT oligomers with poly-rA are reduced relative to the duplexes with normal dA oligomers. These results have significance for the biological properties of these analogs as anti-message inhibitors of gene expression, and provide a rational basis for the S-dC/G sequences as potential effective anti-AIDS agents.