Immune Response in Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis: Reduced Antibody Response to the Matrix Protein of Measles Virus

Immune precipitation was used to study the humoral immune response of patients with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE). Patients with SSPE have a progressive infection of the CNS by measles or a measles variant despite high serum antibody levels to measles virus as measured by standard serologic techniques. However, when the antibody response to individual measles virus proteins was measured, we found a striking reduction in the ability of sera from patients with SSPE to precipitate the matrix (M) protein as compared to the precipitation of the M protein by sera from normal adults who had natural measles infection in childhood, or by convalescent sera obtained 3 to 5 weeks after a naturally occurring measles infection. The decreased antibody response to the M protein in sera from patients with SSPE occurred despite a vigorous antibody response to the other viral proteins, suggesting a selective defect in the production of antibody to a single viral protein. The reduced anti-M antibody in sera from patients with SSPE was demonstrated whether immune precipitation was performed with wild-type measles virus or SSPE virus proteins. These results suggest that in SSPE only small amounts of the M protein are produced. This results may help explain how measles virus persists in the central nervous system of patients with SSPE.