Studies on the somatotopy of the trigeminal system in the mallard, Anas platyrhynchos L. III. Afferents and organization of the nucleus basalis

The ascending projections from the principal sensory nuclues V (PrV) have been studied by tracing degeneration after lesions in the PrV and by injections of HRP into the projection zone of PrV. The quintofrontal tract arises from PrV, ascends into the forebrain, and terminates in the ipsilateral and the contralateral nucleus basalis (NB). The contralateral fibers decussate in the the tegmentum at the level of the trochlear-oculomotor nuclei. NB is a laminar nucleus lying over the rostral part of the paleostriatal complex. Dorsally NB is bounded by the neostratum. NB consists of small neurons. In the dorsal part of NB, these neurons are arranged in vertical columns; the afferents ascend through these columns, and clusters of degenerated boutons are found around the cells. It is possible to distinguish regions in NB receiving ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular, or glossopharyngeal afferents. The rostral part of NB receives an exclusive ipsilateral projection; the intermediate part, a bilateral projection; and the caudal part, a contralateral projection, with the exception of the most caudal area, which also receives a bilateral projection. It is not clear whether NB should be considered a thalamic, a telencephalic, or even a pallial structure. The hypothesis that the columnar organization of the NB is a prerequisite to preserve a precise somatotopy of the tactile system of the oral region is discussed. In this respect the organization of NB can be compared to that of layer IV of the somatosensory (SI) cortex of mammals. Knowledge of the structure and functions of the peripheral tactile sense system opens the possibility of subdividing the NB into functional units.