Some Egyptian Heterophyid Trematodes

Stictodora tridactyla is described. Rediae and cercariae develop in the snail, Pironella conica Blainvillle, collected on the n. e. shore of Lake Burullus. The cercaria is biocellate, monostomate, parapleurolophocercous and possesses an excretory pattern expressed by the formula ?[(3+3+3) + (3+3+3)] = 36. Metacercariae develop in the fish, Aphanius fasciatus. Adult worms were recovered from hatchery-raised chicks that had been fed naturally or experimentally infected fishes. The rediae, cercariae and metacercariae of a sp. of Heterophyes using the same snail and fish hosts are described. The cercaria is biocellate, monostomate, pleurolophocercous and has an excretory pattern similar to that of S. tridactyla. It seems likely that Egyptians eating this sp. of fish insufficiently cooked may become infected with both trematodes.