An Analysis of Nigerian Savanna III. The Vegetation of the Middle Gongola Region by Soil Parent Materials

The vegetation developed on the different soil parent materials recognized in the Middle Gongola region is analyzed into noda and groups. The seven parent materials are analyzed separately and a total of 26 distinct noda emerge. In 14 cases these noda remain separate and each forms the basis of a group; in three cases two noda join through mutually associated plots to give bi-nodal groups, and in two cases three noda combine to form tri-nodal groups. The floristic composition of each nodum and group is presented tabularly. In addition, mean growth data for each group showing density, height and basal area per hectare (with their standard errors) and the number of species per 0.2 ha are given. It is shown that in general the groups are topographical or physiognomic units or both. They are usually recognizable on aerial photographs and hence can be used as mapping units.