Optical bands of C3+ induced by Mg2+ ions in LiNbO3:Cr,Mg

In this paper, the role of Mg ions in the optical properties of Cr3+ (absorption, luminescence, and life-time) in doubly doped LiNbO3 single crystals is analyzed. Additional R lines (denoted as R1 and R2), associated with Cr3+ ions perturbed by nearby Mg2+ ions, were observed. Divalent magnesium ions affect also the T14 and T24 excited-state levels of Cr3+ ions, producing a red shift in the A24T14 and A24T24 absorption bands. This red shift explains the change observed in the color of Mg-doped samples. The crystal-field parameters and Racah parameters of this Cr3+ defect site are reported and compared with those corresponding to singly doped crystals.