Orchard Assessment of the Sterile Male Technique for Control of the Codling Moth, Carpocapsa pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae)

Sterile male codling moths, exposed as pupae to 40 krad of gamma radiation and released in an abandoned 20-tree apple orchard for 3 years, reduced the percentage of fruits injured by mature or almost mature second-brood larvae from 4.94 to 0.05. Numbers of sterile males released, ratios of sterile to fertile males during peak emergence of first-brood moths, and numbers of overwintering larvae were: 1961 (3 DDT sprays applied) — 0, 0:1, 400; 1962 — 21,300, 8:1, 957; 1963 — 67,500, 21:1, 43; 1964 — 89,200, 715:1, 6.