The frequency/wave-vector phonon dispersion relation for all of the symmetry branches and some of the nonsymmetry branches with wave vectors along the [0,0,ζ], [1,0,ζ], [ζ,0,0], and [ζ,ζ,0] (Λ,V,Σ, and Δ) directions have been studied at 110°K using inelastic neutron scattering. In addition, selected portions of the [η,0,ζ] branches (η=0.1, 0.2, 0.3 in units of 2πc) which are parallel to the Λ and V directions have been studied. The experimentally determined dispersion relation shows much detailed structure, with several sharp kinks. This structure precludes a description of the crystal dynamics of βSn in terms of a Bornvon Kármán model with forces extending to a limited number of shells of neighboring atoms. Although the structure in the dispersion relation is probably due to the strong electron-phonon interaction in βSn, straightforward analysis in terms of Kohn anomalies is impossible because of the complex Fermi surface of βSn. This suggests that the crystal dynamics of βSn can only be explained by a detailed calculation which takes the electronic band structure into account in a realistic manner.