Antibody Response to Homografts. I. Technic of Lymphoagglutination and Detection of Lymphoagglutinins upon Spleen Injection.

An agglutination method for detecting antibodies against blood lymphocytes is described. By this method the non-specific clumping of polymorphonuclear leucocytes and/or monocytes usually encountered in leucoagglutination tests is avoided. The humoral response following homografting in chickens was reinvestigated using this lymphoagglutination reaction. In 82 combinations of normal sera or sera from autografted chickens, and lymphocytes, lymphoagglutination was found in only 5 instances. On the other hand, 103 cases of positive agglutination were obtained in tests with 107 combinations of immune sera and normal lymphocytes. Sera from animals injected with one spleen or grafted with skin from one donor also contained lymphoagglutinins against lymphocytes of the spleen or skin donor. These lymphoagglutinins reacted in some instances with lymphocytes of chickens other than the spleen or skin donor.