Magnetic order in superconducting TbMo6S8, DyMo6S8, and ErMo6S8

DyMo6 S8 and TbMo6 S8 are superconducting below Tc=2.05 K, and ErMo6 S8 below Tc=2.2 K. Neutron diffraction has been used to study the development of magnetic order in these materials at temperatures TM less than Tc. In zero applied magnetic field, the DyMo6 S8 and TbMo6 S8 order antiferromagnetically, the magnetic order coexisting with the superconductivity. The ErMo6 S8 sample showed no long-range magnetic order when initially cooled down in zero applied magnetic field. After a magnetic field was applied and reduced to near zero, the sample showed coexistent antiferromagnetic order below TM=0.2 K. Magnetization measurements on DyMo6 S8 and TbMo6 S8 at temperatures below TM suggest the development of ferromagnetic order as the applied field increases. In the case of TbMo6 S8, the neutron data show ferromagnetic order developing for H>~Hc2 where Hc2 is the upper critical field for superconductivity. For DyMo6 S8 ferromagnetic order develops for H much less than Hc2. Both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic order occur with the sample in the superconducting state.