Atomic Corrugation of Kish Graphite in Air Measured with Scanning Tunneling Microscope

Using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM), we have measured the atomic corrugation ΔZ of a Kish graphite in air. In the usual topographic mode, we found an anomalously large ΔZ up to about ΔZ=70 Å at the tunnel resistance of R T=1 MΩ, which decreased to about 20 Å at R T=100 MΩ as R T increased. On the other hand, in a current mode, we found only a small modulation of the tunneling current ΔI T/<I T>=2∼5%, which corresponds to an atomic corrugation of ΔZ=0.01 Å∼0.02 Å. We interpret these results as evidence that a W tip was in mechanical contact with the Kish graphite and its surface was thereby contaminated.