Microtubule cold stability in supporting cells of the gerbil auditory sensory epithelium: correlation with tubulin post-translational modifications

Sensory cells in the organ of Corti exhibit loose microtubule networks enriched in tyrosinated tubulin, whereas supporting cells have bundled microtubules containing post-translationally modified tubulin. The tubulin isoform distribution suggests that the microtubules in sensory cells are dynamic and those in supporting cells are stable. To test this, microtubule resistance to cold-induced depolymerization was examined by using immunocytochemical methods and antibodies to post-translationally modified tubulins. Microtubule labelling in cochleas perfused/immersed at room temperature was identical to that in previous studies of untreated cochleas. However, the microtubule patterns of perfused/immersed specimens were changed in cold-treated cochleas. Microtubules were no longer detected with antibodies to α- and tyrosinated tubulin in sensory cells from specimens exposed to cold, indicating their disassembly. Supporting cells in the same specimens showed almost total loss of detyrosinated and polyglutamylated tubulin in the middle and apical cochlear turns, and reduced labelling in the basal-most turn. Probing for α-, nontyrosinatable, acetylated and glycylated tubulin yielded decreased and sometimes patchy staining but these isoforms were observed even when detyrosinated and polyglutamylated tubulins were absent. The results indicate that sensory cells in the gerbil auditory sensory epithelium contain only cold-sensitive microtubules. In contrast, supporting cells possess a substantial subset of cold-stable microtubules, providing structural support to the vibratory sensory organ required for hearing.