The Ecology of the Lough Ine Rapids with Special Reference to Water Currents

Plants of Saccorhiza polyschides, Laminaria digitata and L. hyperborea were collected from 3 stations in Lough Ine Rapids and 3 stations subjected to different amounts of wave-action in adjacent Barloge Creek and open coast. Although minor differences exist between some stations, frond weight is a satisfactory proportional measure of frond area. 2 spp. of animals, Hippothoa hyalina and Tubulipora sp., favored weaker currents in Rapids and were found also in regions comparatively sheltered from wave-action. 3 spp., Tubularia bellis, Membranipora membranacea and Jassa falcata, favored moderate or strong currents within Rapids, but were absent from or sparse at all seaward stations. Patina pellucida favored moderate current in Rapids and moderate wave-action in sea, but was much more plentiful at all seaward stations. Perhaps current restricts settlement in Rapids.