Modulation of Natural Killer Cell Activity in the Rheumatoid Joint and Peripheral Blood

Natural killer (NK) cell activity and its regulation in synovial fluid (SF). synovial tissue (ST). and peripheral blood (PB) was studied in 23 patients with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA). NK activity was reduced in PB (P< 0.005), SF (P <0.002), and ST of patients with RA compared to the PB of 28 healthy controls. NK activity in SF was inversely correlated wilh disease activity as measured by erythrocyte sedimentation rate (r=‐0.561; P<0.02). Poly I:C. an Interferon inducer, stimulated NK activity in RA patients' PB and SF and control subjects' PB to similar extents. However, augmentation of NK activity by interleukin‐2 was significantly greater in SF than in PB of RA (P<0.02). Preincubation of mononucleur cells with indomethacin significantly increased the NK activity of normal and RA PB but had no effect on that of SF. These observations suggest that the NK activity may be reduced in both PB and SF of RA and (hat functional differences between populations of cells with NK‐like activity and/or differences in the control or modulation of NK activity exist between PB and SF.