Le paysage : trois définitions, un mode d'analyse et de cartographie

The landscape. Three definitions, one mode of analysis and cartography. — Landscape involves three definitions to get of it a complete conceptual framework : it is a sign of acting forces system (divided in abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic subsystems), a more or less discerned mind-object for different user's categories, a sight considered as a scientific object and called "visible landscape". That leads to a specific methodology, the aim of which is to emphasize how objects are forming images. So, it is necessary to take in count the main following points : visible landscape inscribed in a volumnic space (R3) is to be projected on a mapping space (R2). On that basis, with the help of sampling photos, some procedures are suggested and attempted to geographical approaches; i.e. mainly : geographer's own sensitivity, visual content of landscape, spatial organization of landscape components.