L2,3VVandMVVAuger spectra of copper

Electron-excited integral L2,3VV and MVV Auger spectra from clean copper surfaces are presented and compared with x-ray excited L2,3VV spectra, with other electron-excited derivative MVV spectra, and with the results of atomic-model and band-theory calculations. Our L2,3VV spectra agree well with the x-ray-excited results in both line shape and L3VVtoL2VV integrated-intensity ratio. Recent atomic-model interpretations of these spectra by McGuire are briefly reviewed and found, especially for the L3VV spectrum, to provide a very good explanation of the spectra: the multiplet splitting mechanism is responsible for the major peaks, and satellite-intensity contributions resulting from Coster-Kronig L1L2V, L1L3V, and L2L3V transitions give rise to the low-energy portions of the spectra. Our MVV spectra also have sharp features with shapes that are in agreement with atomic-model calculations. The experimental M2,3VVtoM1VV integrated-intensity ratio is much larger than 3 to 1, and varies with primary-electron-beam energy, indicating that satellite intensity contributions make up part of the MVV signals. The sharp features in these spectra, however, do not change with variations in primary-beam energy from 119 to 3000 eV indicating that they are not dependent upon satellite intensity. The experimental M3VVtoM2VV integrated-intensity ratio also remains unchanged at 1.3 to 1 for the same variation in primary-beam energy. A broad high-energy shoulder forms part of the MVV spectra, especially for the M1VV signal. This feature of the MVV line shapes is not in agreement with the atomic-model calculations. It is also not simply related to the undistorted valence-band density of states for copper. Comparison of our M1VV signal with recent band-theory arguments of Cini and of Sawatzky indicates that the MVV line shapes are explainable in terms of distortions in the Auger core-valence-valence signals from narrow-valence-band metals that are expected to occur as a result of hole-hole interactions in the two-hole final-state configuration. Estimates of the hole-hole repulsion energy based on these comparisons are discussed in light of an earlier estimate of this interaction energy based on L3VV data.