The genesis of cell types in the adenohypophysis of the human fetus as observed with immunocytochemistry

Hypophyses of 21 human fetuses, ranging in gestational age from 6 to 23 weeks, were studied by immunocytochemical and histological staining to ascertain (1) the time of origin of specific cell types and (2) the development of parenchymal cell zonation in the pars distalis. No hormones were identified at six weeks. Probable corticotrophin-containing cells appeared at seven weeks. Somatotrophs were observed first at 10.5 weeks; correlation with other reports indicates that they appear at eight to nine weeks. Melanotrophs were detected at 14 weeks; the cells containing melanotrophin were far fewer than corticotrophs. The youngest fetus to possess gonadotrophs was 10.5 weeks old. In all specimens gonadotrophs (LH-cells) stained well with immunocytochemical procedures but poorly with histological methods. Thyrotrophs first occurred at 13 weeks. Zonal distribution of cell types in the pars distalis was evident almost from the time of their appearance. Somatotrophs were most numerous laterally and immediately anterior to the residual cleft. At 10.5 weeks corticotrophs were confined chiefly to the borders of vascularized connective tissue (trabeculae) and to the lateral peripheral region of the pars distalis. Thyrotrophs appeared chiefly in the anteromedian zone, particularly in its superior portion, but were found laterally also. In the older specimens, gonadotrophs generally occurred throughout the pars distalis but were less numerous near the trabeculae and in the anterolateral region. There was good correlation between the time of appearance of various cell types and published data on secretory capacity of the gland.