Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated Membrane-Reactive Antibodies During Long Term Survival After Burkitt's Lymphoma

Antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus associated cell membrane antigens persisted or slowly decreased during prolonged uncomplicated survival of patients with Burkitt's lymphoma in remission. Serum was sampled from four patients within 6 months before recurrence occurring after the first year and preceded by remission during more than 6 months. Rapid and significant decreases of the antibodies before clinical recognition of the recurrences were found in three patients. The fourth patient had slowly increasing titers before relapse. Immune stimulant treatment during remission, with BCG (Bacille Calmette Guérin vaccine) or BCG + Bordetella pertussis, temporarily increased the antibody levels. Possible mechanisms for the observed titer changes before recurrence are discussed.