Compositions of glaucophanes and actinolite-hornblende solid solutions occurring in chemically similar metabasaltic rocks from blueschist terranes in east-central Shikoku, W. California, Valtournanche (W. Alps), and W. Liguria are compared. Chemical contrasts among coexisting Na and Ca amphibole pairs, which reflect disparate P-T histories under the presumed attendance of local equilibrium, include: Na contents are rather high among barroisitic hornblendes from the western and Ligurian Alps, as well as among high-grade tectonic blocks from California; in contrast, actinolitic amphiboles from both lower-grade Franciscan tectonic blocks and in situ schists and the blueschists of Shikoku are impoverished in Na relative to blue-green hornblendes. Sodic amphiboles contain less than 0. 5 Aliv per formula unit, whereas Alvi is very high; a situation reversed among calcic amphiboles. The Na + Ca contents ofglaucophanes are strongly clustered around the sum of 2.0 (i.e. A site vacant) whereas calcic amphiboles have a wider range with the A site variably occupied. No solvus has been detected within either sodic or calcic amphiboles under blueschist facies conditions. For low-grade metabasaltic parageneses, a miscibility gap separates these two amphibole groups; at relatively high grade such compositions have sodic calcic amphiboles of barroisitic type; this may mean that glaucophane + hornblende assemblages are metastable, accounting for textural relations indicating that the sodic amphibole typically did not grow at the same time as the barroisite. Ti, Mn, and K appear to be concentrated in calcic amphibole compared to coexisting glaucophane, probably in the M2, M4, and A sites, respectively. Contrasts in coexisting amphibole tie lines are thought to be a consequence of the fact that the parageneses of Shikoku and California reflect high P and very high P prograde P-T paths respectively, whereas those from Valtournache and W. Liguria show evidence of decompression recrystallization (or back-reaction) of high P (i.e. eclogitic) protoliths. Comparison of the inferred physical conditions operating during the production of these four contrasting paragenetic sequences allows the provisional assignment of a P-T stability region for barroisitic amphibole in metabasaltic rocks as: P 4–5 kb at c. 350°; P 5–7 kb at c. 450 °C.