Greed sort

We present an algorithm for sorting efficiently with parallel two-level memories. Our main result is an elegant, easy-to-implement, optimal, deterministic algorithm for external sorting with D disk drives. This result answers in the affirmative the open problem posed by Vitter and Shriver of whether an optimal algorithm exists that is deterministic. Our measure of performance is the number of parallel input/output (I/O) operations, in which each of the D disks can simultaneously transfer a block of B contiguous records. We assume that internal memory can hold M records. Our algorithm sorts N records in the optimal bound of θ(( N/BD ) log( N/B )/ log( M/B )) deterministically, and thus improves upon Vitter and Shriver's optimal randomized algorithm as well as the well-known deterministic but nonoptimal technique of disk striping. It is also practical to implement.

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