Uranotaenia painei, sp. n.♂♀.—Head clothed with blackish scales, many erect and forked. Proboscis dark, slightly shorter than abdomen but not thickened. Thorax rather dark ochreous-brown, uniform in tint, except that the postnotum is darker, without ornamentation of any kind; bristles and scales dark. No flat scales above wing-root, and no scales at all on front margin of mesonotum or on posterior pronotal lobes; a patch of small flat scales on upper part of sternopleura which are difficult to detect as they are of the same colour as the integument. Abdomen entirely dark brown both above and below. Legs uniformly dark brown, devoid of special features in ♂; first tarsal segment of fore and mid legs about as long as tibia, that of hind legs slightly longer than tibia. Wings dark, venation and scaling normal; length 2·5 mm.